About Air Doctor

Air Doctor helps travelers find a doctor while abroad.

Recognizing the difficulty in finding quality medical care abroad, we decided to create Air Doctor.

Schedule an appointment with one of our thousands of trusted and licensed medical professionals in countries across Europe, Asia, Australia and America.


The Air Doctor Story

While on a trip to South America back in 2014, Yam Derfler, cofounder of Air Doctor, fell ill and was treated at a local hospital. The long hours spent in the hospital in addition to poor treatment led Yam to realize that there had to be a better solution for travelers unfamiliar with local medical services.

A quick survey showed that most of his traveler friends who got ill or injured preferred to wait it out rather than see a doctor due to a lack of trust in the local health services.

Upon his return, Yam decided to research this experience and concluded that this happens far too often.

No one should have to be in a situation where they put their health at risk, especially when traveling abroad.

Air Doctor was created by Jenny Cohen Derfler and Yam Derfler and were later joined by Efrat Sagi Ofir and Yegor Kurbachev in order to give travelers an intuitive and accessible platform to find the right doctor for their needs, wherever they might be.

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Who are we here for?


Being sick abroad is overwhelming.

Being told to visit a local hospital is enough to ruin any trip. We help you find a doctor or specialist in your immediate area ensuring you get the care you need to feel better sooner. Travelers have the option to book an in-person or online doctor visit.


Exceptional physicians are practicing every day across the globe. We partner with doctors and specialists in all regions, giving them a free platform to connect with travelers who need to see a doctor in-person or online.

We help doctors to build their reputation by enabling them to provide top-quality services to travelers who in need of care.


Insurance groups are partnering with Air Doctor to deliver a new standard of service to their customers. Tapping into our network of healthcare providers and our suite of services, insurers are reducing costs and attracting new policy holders.

By improving the customer journey, organizations show that they are proactive and open to servicing today’s tech-savvy travelers with a secure, customizable application.


The travel health industry is filled with connections between service providers and travelers. Air Doctor is digitizing and streamlining traveler healthcare so that service providers can concentrate on what they do best.

Our partners

Executive Leadership Team

Creating a super awesome service from just an idea takes creativity, dedication and teamwork.
Our team does exactly that.

Yifat Ben-Yehuda

Yifat Ben-Yehuda​

Yariv Ben Yosef

Yariv Ben Yosef

Yam Drefler

Yam Derfler​

Founder, VP Innovation & Medical Network
Jenny Cohen Derfler

Jenny Cohen Derfler​​

Founder & CEO
Yossi Dagan

Yossi Dagan

Yegor Kurbachev

Yegor Kurbachev​

Founder & VP and CTO
Adam Feiler

Adam Feiler

SVP Global Sales
Ilana Fletcher

Ilana Fletcher

SVP Strategic Partnerships & Sales
Aviva Friedman

Aviva Friedman

VP Finance
Arie Gorin

Arie Gorin

Senior Account Manager
Yaara Guetta-Weidberg

Yaara Guetta-Weidberg

Product Team Lead
Chana Blinder

Chana Blinder

QA Team Leader

Dana Levy

VP Аccount Мanagement & Growth
Efrat Marmur

Efrat Marmur

VP Marketing
Efrat Sagi-Ofir

Efrat Sagi-Ofir​

Founder & CRO
Ariel Zakael

Ariel Zakael

Head of Medical Network
Noam Oved

Noam Gavrieli

Head of Customer Care
Shachar Eini

Shachar Eini

HR Director

Air Doctor Advisors

Prof. Yoram Weiss

Prof. Yoram Weiss

Scientific Advisor​

Inside the Air Doctor Office


Product Team

Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing




Ops Team

Customer Support

Costumer Care



Human Resources

HR Team
Air Dr Team
Jenny Cohen Drefler

Jenny Cohen Derfler

Air Dr CEO & Co-Founder

Jenny is the CEO and one of the Co-Founders at Air Doctor. She spent more than 20 years at Intel, most recently as general manager of its manufacturing facility in Israel and before that in various engineering and manufacturing roles in Silicon Valley. Air Doctor is her second startup having previously founded electric vehicle company ElectRoad.