Air Doctor travel companion

How Air Doctor became the must-have travel companion

In a world where passports are tickets to adventures, there often lurks an unspoken concern – healthcare on foreign shores. While every budding jet-setter has a horror story, Air Doctor has become the solution to these concerns, cementing itself as a must-have travel companion.

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post office partner with air doctor

Post Office partner with Air Doctor as travel health anxiety grows

Two-thirds say that going away is the highlight of the year with seven in 10 reporting it helped them to unwind. Yet in the desire to jet off on a budget, almost one in four are tempted to go without travel insurance this year. The revelation comes despite a new Post Office study finding that 55% of the population worry that they or a family member will need medical attention whilst abroad this summer.

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Faye launches telemedicine product with Air Doctor

Travel insurer Faye has announced the launch of telemedicine in partnership with Air Doctor. The telemedicine offering compliments its out-patient and in-patient visits, covered under emergency medical coverage. It will be available to all those travelling with Faye internationally to 75 countries around the world, giving them access to near-instant voice and video consultations with doctors.

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Jenny Cohen Drefler

Jenny Cohen Derfler

Air Dr CEO & Co-Founder

Jenny is the CEO and one of the Co-Founders at Air Doctor. She spent more than 20 years at Intel, most recently as general manager of its manufacturing facility in Israel and before that in various engineering and manufacturing roles in Silicon Valley. Air Doctor is her second startup having previously founded electric vehicle company ElectRoad.